Here is a listing of the Utopia tails used: - Letters K to P with major variants.
Koguty Lowickie & Mazowieckie Kwatkie (Cockerel Of Lowicz) - Poland
Nalanji Dreaming - Australia
Ndebele Emmly - South Africa
Ndebele Martha - South Africa
Paithani - India
Pause To Remember (Poppy) / Lest We Forget - England
Primavara (Spring) - Romania
I have tried to cover all the major variants used for each design. Some people will say that there are further variants and designs but for the most part these are just different sections used from the same pattern on different aircraft.
Where possible i have added the official titles as given by BA themselves.
Information is taken from BA's "Country Colours" booklet with additional information where missing from myself.